Saturday, November 9, 2013
Beyond Class 2: Holocaust Museum
For my second beyond class activity I went to the Holocaust Museum in Richmond. Although I have been to the museum almost 10 times, it is still interesting to go. If you've never been, I would totally recommend going. It is so detailed and interesting but yet very sad. The museum has so many neat things in it, and it is very informative. The exhibits are so realistic and they really take you back and make you think. Every time I go I learn something new. The thing that always gets me is how quiet the museum is, it's like everyone who is in there is just in such shock about it all. Or I guess it could be because there is never anyone there, but whatever.
Beyond Class 1: Segway tour
A few weekends ago I went a Segway tour around Richmond with my mom and aunts. It was surprisingly a lot more fun then I thought it would of been. Learning to ride the Segway was a little nerve racking at first, but once I got the hang of it, it was easy! Oh and the helmets just make it all the better haha. On our tour we went around and saw some of the important spots in Richmond and what they were. To be completely honest I have no idea what places we went too because I wasn't really paying attention. But the tour was a lot of fun! They have like 10 different tours, and if you've never been and want to ride a Segway.. I would say just go!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
2013 Cruise
About a week ago I went on my first cruise to the Bahamas. I went with my two brothers and my mom. It was absolutely amazing, and not to mention I got to miss school. I had never been on a cruise before so I wasn't sure what to expect.. it exceeded my expectations.The boat was so beautiful and humongous.. I got lost so many times.
They had shows every night in The Amber Palace. The shows were actually really good and entertaining. The first and second day we were at sea the whole day. We got to hang out on the pool deck and dance with all the old people since there were like no kids on the boat.
The food on the boat was so good, and you could eat all day if you wanted. The second night they had elegant attire for dinner, which meant you had to dress up.. but it was fun.
The third day we arrived in Nassau. We went snorkeling off of a Catamaran. It was so much fun, although I was a little scared because it was kind of sketchy. We snorkeled around a reef and saw all the fish.. it was so pretty. After that we shopped around some of the shops and then we had to get back on the boat.
The next day we arrived in Freeport. There we went to some of the local shops and got some souvenirs. After that we walked to the public beach and we swam and just enjoyed the sun. The water there was so light and pretty.
The last day we were back at sea, on the way home. It was so nice to just get away from school and everything and just go on a vacation. The cruise was amazing and so much fun, there was never a dull moment. Oh and did I mention I could gamble, pretty cool right? Everyone on the ship was so nice and so pleasant. I honestly can't wait to go on another cruise. Below is our cruise ship, The Carnival Glory.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Reminiscing - Homecoming
As you probably saw in my other post, tonight is my little brothers Homecoming Dance. It is so weird not going to the dance. One of the main things I miss about High School is spirit week. It was probably the best week of school each year. You got to dress up and be creative and just enjoy the time with all your friends and classmates. From the many spirit days like, Class Color Day, Character Day, Salad Dressing Day, Holiday-day, Battered Opponent Day and of course Spirit Day. Each day was something different and something exciting.
The whole week while you're dressing up and having fun, your anticipation builds for the Homecoming Football Game and the Homecoming Dance. Even though our Football Team has never been the best, and we lost almost every game.. it was still great to spend time with everyone. Once the game was over, you had to joy of getting ready ready for the dance the next day. Our Homecoming Dance's were always very lame, it was still fun getting ready and taking pictures with everyone. Those were definitely some of the best times I've ever had.
The whole week while you're dressing up and having fun, your anticipation builds for the Homecoming Football Game and the Homecoming Dance. Even though our Football Team has never been the best, and we lost almost every game.. it was still great to spend time with everyone. Once the game was over, you had to joy of getting ready ready for the dance the next day. Our Homecoming Dance's were always very lame, it was still fun getting ready and taking pictures with everyone. Those were definitely some of the best times I've ever had.
The ugly ducklings Homecoming
Tonight is my little brothers Homecoming Dance. I honestly can't believe that he is a Junior, time sure does fly! The reason I call him the ugly duckling, is because he is very cocky and he knows that he is good looking. So, I wouldn't want to boost his obnoxiousness by telling him he looks good. And plus, making him mad is always fun.
Monday, October 7, 2013
State Fair

Over the weekend I went to the State Fair with my family. It was really hot, but a lot of fun. We watched some stupid tractor pulling thing which was really boring.. but that's whatever. Then we went and rode some rides and my step mom and dad played some games. We watched The Marvelous Mutts, which was absolutely adorable. It was also amazing how all the dogs had been rescued. My favorite part would of been all the animals. The day was pretty good all together.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Death Penalty
I wrote my first paper on the death penalty. I'm personally against the death penalty. Some people say the death penalty is okay because they like the "eye for an eye" approach. I don't think that killing someone because they killed someone is okay or is the fix to a problem. In most cases, the victims family does not get closure from the killer getting the death penalty. It is said that it prolongs their grieving. Not every murder gets the death penalty, so I think its so unfair that some gets to decide who lives and who dies. I think giving murders life without parole is a much better options because they have to live in jail for the rest of their lives and think about what they did. So, that's how I feel about the death penalty.
Friday, September 20, 2013
A day that will never be forgotten
Nineteen terrorist boarded four commercial airplanes with then intention of hijacking them and crashing them into iconic and important U.S. buildings. At 8:46 a.m. American Airlines flight 11 crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. All passengers on board were killed instantly.
At 9:03 a.m. American Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center. Like Flight 11, all passengers were killed on board.
At 9:37 a.m. American Airlines flight 77 crashed into the Mall side of the Pentagon killing all passengers as well as civilians and military personnel inside of the building.
At 8:42 a.m. United Airlines Flight 93 departed with hopes of crashing into the White House. The passengers supposedly heard about the hijackings and tried to take back the plane from the terrorist. In their attempt the terrorist ended up crashing the plane into a field in Pennsylvania. Everyone on board was killed on impact.
At 9:59 a.m. the South Tower collapsed. At 10:28 a.m. the North Tower was gone.
During all the devastation The New York Fire Department lost 341 firefighters and 2 paramedics. It is said that 2,996 people lost their lives during the events of 9-11.
Although I personally do not remember September 11, 2001 very well, it is a day that will be remembered forever.
Friday, September 13, 2013
"There is no such thing as an American"
The saying “There is no such thing as an American” can mean
so many different things. I think the saying is used because America is full of
so many different types of people with different back grounds. Everyone has had
their own journey in some way, so of us were born here and some of us came
here. So then the disagreeing comes in, how do you define an American? America is supposed to be “The land of the free, and home of the brave.” So many people
come to America to start new and live in this “great” country full of opportunity,
but does taking a few test and becoming naturalized really make you an “American”?
Some people think that you have to be born in American to actually be considered
an American. I think that being an “American” means having pride and taking the
opportunities that are given to you. Then comes the other argument, does
America have a national language? Many people say no, that we can’t have a
national language since there are so many different races and languages spoken
here. I personally think that the national language should be English. All the
different nationalities coming over to America is completely fine, but if you’re
coming over here then you should have to learn our language. But all this is just
very controversial.
Friday, September 6, 2013
About Me.
I've never done this before so I don't really know where to start. So I guess
i'll tell y'all some stuff about Me. My name's Blake Gwaltney and this is
my first year here at Richard Bland. I just graduated from Colonial Heights
High School and I hope to transfer to William and Mary or Longwood to become a
high school math teacher. I have two brothers, Gray who is 21 and goes to VCU
and Jordan, who is 16 and is a junior at Colonial Heights High School. My mom is Police Officer with
Chesterfield County Police Department. I love to volunteer in my spare time and
work with children. I absolutely love to run, it helps me clear my mind and
just get away from everything. I love to fish and do outdoorsy types of stuff.
Volleyball is also a passion of mine. My
Family is a huge part of my life; they are always pushing me and inspiring me
to be a better person. My friends are also a huge part of my life, they get me
through everything. But, anywho being at Richard Bland is so much
different than high school, but it’s much better. So I guess that’s enough for
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